Gakkou No Kaidan Wiki
Ghost Woman

The Ghost Woman

The Ghost Woman is the mysterious ghost of a woman who appears in the second episode of Gakkou no Kaidan SP.

Episode 1.3 Ghost: The Haunted Camp

The ghost woman is outside either burying or digging up a bone when she notices a boy watching her. Seeing that the boy is watching her, the ghost rushes and tries to grab him through the hole in the window, smashing her head against it in her haste. The boy runs back to the cabin. The ghost woman opens the door of the cabin, and upon seeing that the campers are all similar she begins to grasp one of the legs of each boy, searching out who had seen her. Once the ghost finally finds the boy she smiles before lunging to attack. The ghost woman then walks away to where she was originally. The camera zooms in towards her head and she turns around, sticking her tongue out to the camera and screaming.
